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For young women trying to find a date in many American cities however, it is a major blight: young men who think it alluring to post a photo of their shirtless reflection on dating apps. For men, the equivalent grumble is women who only post photos of themselves posing with more attractive friends. Apps have transformed dating. Yet many Americans seem to be using dating apps to find people as similar as possible to themselves. The market leader is Tinder, which allows you to filter potential matches by age, sex and location only; profiles consist of a few photos from Facebook and a couple of lines of text. A left swipe is rejection; right, acceptance. If two people both swipe right, they match, and only then can they talk and arrange a date. Many bright young things prefer a newer app called Hinge. This displays information about your job and education, and displays only potential mates with whom you have Facebook friends in common. Since the start of 2014, it has expanded from four cities to 38. Ernesto, a 25-year-old student in Washington, DC, has dated 17 women since installing Hinge and Tinder on his phone in October. Hinge is popular for a simple reason. Online, there are too many choices. Narrowing them down saves time—a blessing for busy young professionals—but at a cost. When the elite date only friends of friends, it is hard for those outside this happy circle to break in.

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